Mission Statement

All I really really want my love to do is to bring out the best in me and in you too.
- All I Want by Joni Mitchell

Monday, April 13, 2020

Walking Forward with Memory

Thanks, Michelle Murphy Zive
I don't know about you all, but yesterday's Easter was bittersweet in our household. The weather was dreary and all planned neighborhood celebrations (at a safe distance) were rained out. It was a "hunker down" day for all of us... the ups and downs of this strange time! I loved the celebration of Mom's life on Saturday's post, but it made me nostalgic for the simplicity of my childhood. However, there can be a danger in reminiscing... looking back through rose-colored lenses... not always in reality. I have a sign that says "Don't look back.. you're not going that way!"

The bright spot of my Easter was a late afternoon conversation that I had with my niece, Michelle. She and I shared similar journeys of surrender and healing, and the picture and quote (above) is one of her favorites! She has offered to share more of her knowledge and resources on this blog soon! I can't wait!

This morning's meditation (on a free app that I love... Pray as You Go) was about Pope Francis' message called: Walking Forward in Memory. It was such a great message, and sorted out some of  the mixed feelings that were swirling inside of me. The importance of remembering is apparently one of the Pope's favorite themes. I found this on vaticannews.va:

"Speaking during the homily on Thursday at morning Mass at the Casa Santa Marta, Pope Francis said that in order to be able to go forward in Christian life, we must think back to and cherish our first encounters with Jesus, and remember those who transmitted the faith to us. Pope Francis cited that in his second letter to Timothy, St. Paul exhorts him to “Remember your mother and grandmother as they have transmitted the faith to you”.

I loved this connection! In the meditation, the Pope's message continued that "memory and hope go hand in hand"...."We need to look back and be grateful to all the people that shared their faith with us. They are the heartbeats of our lives. When we walk forward in gratitude, we are strengthened in our faith.. it helps us move forward in hope and to pass on the love we've been given!"

This meditation today pulled me up out of sadness and into gratitude!

Day After Thoughts & LYM,


  1. Hey Reenie,

    My Easter Sunday was highlighted by our conversation, our sisterhood, last evening. Think about it, aren't we all just walking each other home? I feel like I spent so much of my life disconnected and focused on the external. Thank you for bringing all of this back home, to the heart of the matter.

  2. Absolutely! I loved talking with you too... parallel journies! I love that phrase... heart of the matter... from the Eagles song... it's about forgiveness and self-love! Looking forward to talking and sharing more with you! LYM
