Mission Statement

All I really really want my love to do is to bring out the best in me and in you too.
- All I Want by Joni Mitchell

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter

Easter 2020
Happy Easter!

As Sean would say "you're on your own... you're out there, baby!" I am giving Dan a well deserved break, as "my editor". LOL

I am going to start with a funny Renden Easter memory. When the boys were little, we had a motorhome. We went to Yosemite during Spring Break for a few years; the best times of our lives!
We often joined other families that we knew, for this annual trip. One particular year, our trip coincided with Easter, as well as the end of daylight savings time. We drove up to Yosemite on Saturday, and were the last of our group to arrive. Our friends, the Churtons, welcomed us, and then said that there was going to be a sunrise Easter service in our campground in the morning. Kim Churton promised to knock on our camper door in the morning to wake us up. When Kim did try to wake us up at "0'dark hundred" the next morning, Sean cracked the window and said... "He is risen, but we are not!" I did get up though, and had to brush snow off the bench in the campground gathering area. But as I sat there shivering with a few other campers... some man broke out in a praise song, and the sun was just hitting the tops of the cliffs, where waterfalls were cascading down. I thought...I couldn't have been in a more majestic and perfect cathedral of nature for Easter!

Brings me to this strange year, and a very different Easter when we are all going online to celebrate services/Mass with our favorite pastor, priest, or mentor. Personally, I am missing singing, and sharing the joy of families worshiping together, and all dressed up in their Easter clothes. It brings back memories of Mom sewing us all new clothes for Easter, and taking pictures in the front yard after Mass, in La Mesa. And those mandatory hats! Wow! LOL

That's all I've got...Phil Volker shared this today on his caminoheads blog www.caminoheads.com.
It's a good one!

"On this triumphant day, the most triumphant holiday of the whole year let us celebrate and appreciate our lives here and our place in the universe.

"Sometimes living day to day is a triumph but look at us here at Easter celebrating so. Carrying on to say this is bigger than our present situation with the Scourge of this Virus gnawing at all our doors. That’s creepy I know, but forget it for one moment and rejoice. We don’t exist on bread alone and we can’t exist with no hope in our hearts. Fan that flame that is in there. It is high time for that.

"We have today. It longs to have us. Be real to it. Take it as the gift that it is. Float on it’s surface if that is what you need or dive deep and explore. We are all in different places with different challenges but Easter is a day for everyone, have or have nots, believers or non’s to enjoy and ponder."

He ended with this: "Pondering Loves"



  1. "We don't exist on bread alone and we can't exist with no hope in our hearts."

    Your blog Reenie gives voice to the hope in our hearts. Thank you.

  2. Thank you so very much Reenie. We all need a bit of sunshine and ray of hope on Easter and the days to come.
    LYM ❤, Shawn Kisker Patterson

  3. Thanks, Shawn, for your sweet comment... looking for all the positive lessons and messages that we can find during this time!
