Mission Statement

All I really really want my love to do is to bring out the best in me and in you too.
- All I Want by Joni Mitchell

Wednesday, April 29, 2020


Yosemite Trip April 2017
I just had the most amazing restorative breathing experience on Zoom led by my friend Maria Simeone! Maria is another blessing to everyone that she encounters; another earthly spiritual guide! She works with people at both ends of life's spectrum (and everyone in between): seniors with dementia and children with autism, sharing her gifts of music and sound therapy to help calm the central nervous system. She has a website called musicmovesthebrain.
MusicMovestheBrain is an outgrowth of the personal experiences of Maria Simeone in nurturing the development and growth of her two children, adopted from Eastern Europe and Eurasia and their subsequent learning challenges.
In this time of social distancing, Maria has been working on sharing her gifts virtually. She has posted "sound bathing"  and music/breathing videos on her Facebook, that can be accessed anytime. If you want to see her videos, you can send her a friend request, and she will accept you.

In today's restorative breathing zoom experience.. she used the word inspired; the root of which is "spiritus" (spirit)... to breathe or blow energy into; inflame. {As Marty and Michelle Zive have also taught us}. As Maria ended her session today, she closed with a guided meditation of breathing (as she hummed to her soft drumbeat) and I swear I was transported to Yosemite and found myself gazing up at the majesty of the waterfalls spilling over the cliffs! Oh my gosh, I felt invigorated, energized and empowered! She said that once we are inspired there is nothing that can stop us! Wow!

Michelle Murphy Zive is sharing her responses today:

I miss: Physical touch with my family.  This is somewhat ironic since I’m not the huggiest/physically affectionate person I know.
However, this reminds me of Reenie singing Joni Mitchell’s Big Yellow Taxi in Granny’s living room in PB.
Don't it always seem to go,
That you don't know what you've got
Til it's gone
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot

Oh, but I am so grateful.  This quarantine has reminded me that I live a blessed life; one that I often take advantage of because I think I have all the time in the world and the freedom to navigate it. Here are some of the simple things I am sooooooooooooooooo grateful for:

After 25 years, I cleaned off  the company’s stickers on my office windows.  I’m thankful for clean windows…after decades.

Before this quarantine, Jinx would follow me around when I got home.  I’d be so irritated.  “Just give me a minute,” I’d think, sometimes say.  Now I’m grateful for her presence and unconditional love…and she makes me smile/laugh because she is our walking pot roast.

Hope to have some more sharing tomorrow!


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