Mission Statement

All I really really want my love to do is to bring out the best in me and in you too.
- All I Want by Joni Mitchell

Friday, April 17, 2020

Days Gone By

Hi All,

In doing some "spring cleaning", Melda found this sweet letter that Joan wrote to Mom on her 80th birthday. In it, Joan describes the time when she first met Mom. We found a picture of the car that Joan writes about, and if you click on the song, that she mentions that Dad used to sing... you will go back in time to the 1930's! Enjoy!

August 10,1996 
Dearest Marie:
How in the world can I possibly reduce 64 years of loving you into a few paragraphs? That is virtually impossible for me -- as you know.  All the wonderful memories I have of you could easily fill more books than I have time to write! I will try:
My earliest remembrance of you was when Jim came home and announced to Mom that he had met a terrific girl with 'a chin any man would be proud to have'! I could hardly wait to meet this girl. 
He brought you home for Sunday dinner and what I saw was a gorgeous girl, who was looking around the table with dismay! She couldn't understand all the story-telling and roars of laughter these Murphys were exchanging. Then Dad kept insisting that you have 'just a little more Marie, 'cause you've hardly eaten anything'! Your eyes just got bigger and bigger and I'm sure you were grateful to have that first dinner over. 
In a few weeks of Sunday dinners, I was delighted to see you relax and enter into the merriment. Soon you were laughing as loudly as the rest of us!
The next thing that won my heart completely was your acceptance of me and my girlfriends going along to the beach with you and Jim. How many sixteen-year-olds would have agreed to that? Of course, with Jim singing, 'Coney Island Washboard She Would Play, Play, Play', and keeping time with his driving foot all the way to Del Rey, that little Willys Knight {picture above} was bouncing along with every hitch-hiking kid standing on the running boards! (Wonder how far we'd have gotten in this day and age?)
Such sweet memories they shared... and passed on the love to all of us!

Birthday Shout-Out: April 17 🎂
Kenny Buffington (Michelle's grandson; Cindy's son
{I remember being pregnant at the same time as Cindy... as Tim and Kenny are only 3 days apart!}

Have a great weekend!


  1. Thank you for sharing the letter. It is very sweet. Love to you all!

  2. Loved the song too. I can imagine Dad showing off to his sister's friends.
