Mission Statement

All I really really want my love to do is to bring out the best in me and in you too.
- All I Want by Joni Mitchell

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Meet Frank Firmat


Yesterday, I mentioned Frank Firmat, the "praying judge". Dan did a little research and found this article called "Journey of the Human Soul" and added a little more about him in the comment section. In this article was another "Frank-ism".
 “We picture our life as a garden and talk about what belongs in it. If I’ve put my profession in my garden but my wife and family are out in the field, it is a life-changing issue.”
Tell Your Story With Your Whole Heart!

Here is Frank's story in his own words:
My name is Francisco Firmat. I was born in Cuba and in 1961, at the age of 11, became a refugee fleeing Communism and was sent to the United States by my parents to live at St. Vincent’s Home for Boys Catholic Orphanage in Denver Colorado until (and if) my parents could immigrate to the United States. We were reunited 5 1/2 months after I left Cuba. I learned English in this country, went to college and law school, and recently retired after serving for 27 years as a Superior Court Judge in Orange County, California. I’ve taught focusing contemplation workshops for the last 25 years.
I have attended Frank's St. Ignatius Workshops, and am signed up to attend his bio-spiritual focusing and contemplation workshop... it has been postponed now during this quarantine. Both Marty and Michelle Murphy Zive have shared some of their wisdom of healing, and it really connects to Frank's work in the same area... His story continues...
Focusing is simple but not easy; it is a simple process of noticing what we carry inside but it is very hard to face difficult inner issues alone.
In telling his story, Frank admits as an adult, he had a fear of flying:
Our issues are in our tissues and my body had carried that trauma of the separation experience {as a child} inside so that it would surface again and again with impending plane flights! (Though I knew that planes were safer than freeways, I’d have a feeling of dread, and I would hug my wife and children before flights as if I would never see them again.)
 A MEMORY of being 11 years old and FEELING deep despair and sorrow. I was sitting at the top of a tall playground slide that had a semicircular cover at the top. (I had been at the orphanage about three days and had not allowed myself a single tear. Cuban culture had taught me that men don’t cry, not even at the age of 11. I was hurting deeply inside from the separation and alienation and I did not speak English. I went outdoors looking for a place I could be alone and went to the top of a playground slide.) It was as though I was in a focusing time machine and was now an observer who could both observe the 11 year old and at the same time feel what the 11 year old boy was feeling inside in 1961! — I stayed with that memory and feeling until it changed to
 A further MEMORY of the 11 year old on top of the slide and praying with many tears. ‘Lord, please allow my parents, my grand-mother, my sisters and I to be reunited. . . .’ — I stayed with that memory until it changed to
 The 11 year old was suddenly enveloped in a translucent cocoon of golden light that he could not see and there were words he could not hear. I saw the IMAGE of the boy surrounded by the golden cocoon of light; I heard WORDS saying ‘I heard your prayers and have been with you ever since’. (At that moment and at that realization that my childhood prayers had been heard, many tears flowed as I experienced feelings of awe and wonder.) — I stayed with that image and feelings until it changed to A FEELING OF peace inside unlike anything I had ever known; all stress and sense of incompletion vanished, replaced with a peace that surpasses understanding or description; a sense that everything is well, in harmony, and that God is in control; he cares, he listens, and there is no need to fret or fear. 
I just love this man! He is such a spiritual mentor to everyone in his presence! I'll share a little bit more about this amazing man tomorrow!

Hope you are all well,

1 comment:

  1. Wow, thank you for the introduction to Frank. I love seeing how he bridges our "humanness" and the spiritual realm. This to me is home, where everything is integrated. In these times (aka pandemic) of loss (of the normal, community, physical contact, of jobs, connection, etc.), we've been called to find a meaning to all this. Thanks again for helping us on this path!
