Mission Statement

All I really really want my love to do is to bring out the best in me and in you too.
- All I Want by Joni Mitchell

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Week's Back is Broken!


It's Wednesday; Hump Day, or as Grandma Aggie used to refer to Wednesdays: "The Week's Back is Broken". It felt like that today, as the warm sunny weather has seemed to infuse a new life into this week. Neighbors are out walking, and commenting on the beautiful warm sunshine, and others are working in their yards and gardens. Spring has sprung! Hope seems to be in the air; spirits appear to be lifted!

Michelle Murphy Zive, Marty's daughter, sent me some great articles to share... can't thank her enough! I was immediately drawn to the article about gratitude! It is not very long to read. The author, Karson McGinley, lists 5 benefits of the importance of gratitude in our lives. The article appealed to me because she suggests keeping a gratitude journal. Even if you don't like to write a lot, she has some suggestions for starting a journal. {At a St. Ignatius Church workshop, I once heard the guest speaker say: "It is impossible to hold fear/anger and gratitude/love in your body at the same time." Today was a day to 'get on with it'!} I hope that some of Karson McGinley's ideas appeal to you as well!

I love her ending.
Look at your gratitude practice as a way that you contribute to the world. By making the effort to communicate your thankfulness to the people around you, you show and share your love. When people are appreciated, they do better. And you can elevate the world one Thank You at a time.

Springtime loves & LYM,

1 comment:

  1. When you give your gratitude you always get something in return, A smile or a hug or you see another’s heart uplifted. Just feels good on both ends...
