Mission Statement

All I really really want my love to do is to bring out the best in me and in you too.
- All I Want by Joni Mitchell

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Today's Shared Stories

April 8th Birthday Shout Out! 🎂
Kelly Zive (Marty and Monita's granddaughter; Michelle Martin's daughter)

Michelle shared Kelly's picture and some sweet thoughts about Kelly to add to the blog today:

"While this quarantine has been challenging for many of us, one of the blessings is we (Kelly and I) get to spend a lot of time together.  Even though she lives with us, she is always gone with her PR job, nannying, dog sitting, house sitting, etc. I have spent more time with her in the last three weeks than I have in the last three years…it seems.
During this time, Kelly has become lighter, full of laughter, she even is dancing around the house.  Every night at dinner, when she was younger, she used to dance around the table.
We have slowed down and appreciate these moments, all moments we have together.
We will be celebrating Kelly’s birthday via Zoom at 7p.  We will be singing happy birthday to her at that time.  Let me know if you want me to forward you the Zoom link to participate.
Other thoughts, Kelly’s birthday always reminds me of spring, growth, flowers, renewal.  She is like spring to me.
I am blessed to be her mama."

Michelle (Dr, Z) is the Activator, Connector and Creator of One Connect: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michelle-zive/

I love her introduction:

"Are you tired of being invisible? Silenced? Are you ready to show up and kick ass? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then you've come to the right place to get empowered, activated and kick some ass.

"We believe:

1. You are a warrior
2. Together we can transform ourselves, each other, and heal the world
3. Through telling your story, love and empathy are born
4. Keep it real and the rest will follow
5, Never forget laughter, joy, and fun
6. You are the creator/leader of your life, so lead the way"

I also spoke with Shawn Kisker Patterson this morning, and she shared an amazing personal story!  Shawn's stepson, Ian, is deaf. She first learned sign language many years ago to be able to communicate with Ian, but signing became her passion and life's work. She lives in Parker Arizona, and has been teaching sign language at the local college. This past Monday, she a received a call from the local Sheriff's Emergency Communications Department, asking if she would be willing to sign for public service announcements on their local TV stations. Since school has been on hiatus during this time, Shawn said that she has been watching the news, and especially paying close attention to the people that were signing; never imagining that she would receive a phone call asking her to help with her own town authorities. She feels so honored to have been asked.


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