Mission Statement

All I really really want my love to do is to bring out the best in me and in you too.
- All I Want by Joni Mitchell

Monday, April 20, 2020

Back to the Future

I thought this was a wonderful thought-provoking quote for today! We all are getting anxious to put this quarantine behind us, and return to normal. But what will our "new normal" look like?

In December {seems like a lifetime ago...when life was so hectic} I attended a St. Ignatius Workshop at my Church. The guest speaker was an amazing retired judge named Frank Firmat. He was known as the "praying judge" (he always prayed before starting his day as a family court judge), and was recognized as the California State Judge of the Year at one point before he retired. He is such a spiritual mentor! Frank shared this Thomas Merton quote {below} and mentioned that we should  protect the "quality of our presence". His view was that our modern pace of life... excessive busyness... corrupts the good work that we do. He talked about placing "speed bumps" (Spirit) in our day, to pause and take notice, and live the joy of "being" in the present moment. A joy not shared dies young! We can't be filled with peace, while full of ourselves!

Uploaded to pinterest by Alanis Morissette
Are there any thoughts, ideas, lessons that you may have learned from this time of isolation and quarantine?  How do you want to live your life differently?

"Thomas Merton OCSO (January 31, 1915 – December 10, 1968) was an American Trappist monk, writer, theologian, mystic, poet, social activist, and scholar of comparative religion."

Birthday Shout-Out: April 20🎂
Dayna Taub (Chris and John's daughter-in-law); Jason's wife


1 comment:

  1. During group counseling in the office of Frank Firmat, a Superior Court judge in Santa Ana who is married with two children, “We picture our life as a garden and talk about what belongs in it. If I’ve put my profession in my garden but my wife and family are out in the field, it is a life-changing issue.”

    "Journey of the Human Soul"
    An article by Mary Rourke
    LA Times, Jan. 6, 1999
