Mission Statement

All I really really want my love to do is to bring out the best in me and in you too.
- All I Want by Joni Mitchell

Friday, April 10, 2020

Good Friday

Created by Maureen & Imelda
Marea By The Sea
 John 3:16: "For this is how God loved the world: He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life."

Today, being Good Friday, a sweet memory comes to mind. In 2012, Mom had slipped into a coma, and we tried to get a priest to administer the Last Rites. Since it was Good Friday, we were having a hard time finding a priest who was available. However, around lunchtime, we spotted a priest walking down the hallway of The Cloisters (Mom's assisted living home). Although he was paying a visit to another resident, he said that he would be happy to stop by Mom's room later on, to give her the Last Rites. He came back, as promised, and when he finished, he commented: "Isn't it lovely that your mother was able to receive this sacrament on this most holiest of days, and at (and he looked at his watch) exactly 3:00!" Still brings tears to my eyes!  

April 10: Birthday Shout Out 🎂
Melia Beckwith Moore (Michelle's granddaughter; Chris' daughter)

Today is National Siblings Day! 
Each holiday, that we can still get together is more and more precious! 

Love to ALL my family... siblings, nieces, nephews, cousins... feeling blessed!

1 comment:

  1. Some people have said the video doesn't work...It works for me on my computer and my phone. I use Chrome browser both places. If it doesn't work, please email me and tell me how you get to this site. Thanks. Dan chiefmurphy at gmail dot com
