Mission Statement

All I really really want my love to do is to bring out the best in me and in you too.
- All I Want by Joni Mitchell

Friday, May 29, 2020

May You Live to Be 100


Little Michelle's husband, David Martin is a such a gifted photographer! 
He made an incredible youtube birthday video for Marty's 80th birthday celebration!

The pictures are set to Frank Sinatra's song: MY WAY

Click the link above to watch... have some kleenex ready... it so touching! 

Thank you, David!  This is beautiful!

Happy Birthday Marty!


   Marty... We Love You                                               

Marty has had the most interesting life of anyone I know!

He has been gifted beyond measure with so many God-given talents... boundless energy, insatiable curiosity, great intelligence, creativity, an amazing singing voice, humor, and the ability to connect with others! He has brought these gifts to share with the world in all of his various accomplishments and careers... a college graduate (the first of the Murphy siblings), a navy pilot, stockbroker, insurance sales, car junkyard owner, real estate sales and broker, and inventor, financial backer, manager, and advisor to many... {including his sister, Maureen's bilingual phonics program... Soundsalive}, actor and performer {on stage in La Jolla, San Diego, and in assisted living homes}, author The Mind Whisperer, and AA mentor to so many grateful fellows!

Marty has been married to Monita for 57 years!  (12/22/62) Congratulations!



A few memorable photos

High School Grad

                                                                Getting His Wings

1980's family feud and wedding singer               

"born to be wild days"


Love alone is capable of uniting living beings in such a way as to complete and fulfill them, for it alone takes them and joins them by what is deepest in themselves.” Pierre Teilhard de Chardin {The Mind Whisperer, p 145}
Though Marty surpassed his  Facebook birthday fundraising goal of $1000 for Feed America, you can still make a donation in Marty's honor by clicking on the link above.

Marea By The Sea - Melda Arick
Your siblings

PS: Click this link to read Michelle Murphy Zive's Facebook post about her Dad!

Another family Birthday Shout Out: May 31st 🎂
Happy Birthday Terje!
(Michelle's great-grandson, Cindy's grandson... and Valerie's son... {a busy bday week for her!}


Thursday, May 28, 2020



Good morning!
In the rush to return to normal, I thought once again that this quote was perfect!

I have been anxiously awaiting the re-opening of our country and life... but have been doing a lot of thinking that if we don't do it differently... what was this time all about?

Sean sent me this short clip on Yosemite and the renewal that has taken place without visitors.
It is worth watching... I LOVE Yosemite! But this one minute clip is gorgeous and thought provoking on so many levels... not just renewing nature... but giving some time to consider our own personal transformation lessons as well!

Life is all about our interconnectedness!

Birthday Shout Out!: May 28 🎂
Carla is 11 years old (Michelle's great granddaughter, Cindy's granddaughter, Val's daughter)
She lives in Redmond Washington
Carla's last age-10 day on Mailbox Peak

See more photos from proud Mom here (click play on the new page).

Interconnected Loves,

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Birthday Greetings and More!

Michelle and Molly
Birthday Shout-Out: May 27th 🎂
Happy 31st Birthday Molly Zive!

Here is a sweet tribute from your Mom!
Thirty-one years ago my life changed. I was a 25-year-old going about my business by taking the next step of having a baby. Molly Moll transformed my life. Thank you for your magic, your light, and the mirror you hold up to my face everyday. I see you. Thank you, Molly, for choosing me as your mom.
The best part of doing this family blog during this time has been learning more about the members of all the generations of our family!

Lucky for us, Molly has joined in on the family blog with her great contributions! She is a licensed therapist in San Diego. You can find out more about Molly and her free instagram mindfulness presentations, by clicking on her link located on the right sidebar... under "favorite links".
In case you have not checked it out... Here is Molly's introductory paragraph:
I was born and raised in San Diego, CA. Since childhood, I remember early memories of having existential questions like ‘Who Am I? What is my purpose?’ and a natural curiosity for psychology related questions. I’ve always felt a calling to work in the healing profession. I discovered the benefits of therapy at a young age suffering from panic disorder. After working with a professional and gaining tools to help manage my anxiety, I channeled my energy into becoming a licensed clinical social worker to empower other individuals to thrive in their lives.
New Additions: 

Mark posted on Facebook that "Christmas is coming a bit early for me!! I'll be holding our new grandbaby by then!" Baby Knox is due in December 2020! Congratulations!

Stephen and Terris posted this adorable picture of baby Talia on their Facebook page on Sunday:
"13 days old and Ms. Talia has already stolen our hearts. She sleeps all of the time except for at night and loves her swing. Ellie hasn't been won over yet but we know they will be good friends/sisters soon enough!"

Chris and John got a sweet new puppy... named Dixie Marie!
She is a "Cav-oodle"! {I think I got that right!}A mix of King Charles Cavalier and toy poodle. She arrived from Missouri on Saturday... she is only 3 1/2 pounds right now! Such a cutie!

Melda and I were able to work together today and make some sea glass signs... life is slowly starting to come back... we all need to be connected once again with family and friends! So grateful!


Tuesday, May 26, 2020

A Memorial Day Remembrance

Al, John, and Walt Madden 1942 Guadalcanal

This picture hung in our home in La Mesa in the "Rogue's Gallery". 
Al Madden was a family friend; he and Dad worked together at Kelvinator. The Maddens lived in Anaheim and were very kind to Grandma Aggie and Aunt Agnes, since they lived nearby at that time. 

Kelly Madden (Dan Madden's wife; Al's son) posted this picture on her Facebook account for a Memorial Day Shout Out to her father-in-law and his brothers. She included the poem {below} that Al wrote to his Mom during World War II. Al sent it home to her along with the picture during the war.  Apparently it is a famous war photo and poem... I never knew that! I just thought that Dad was honoring a "good buddy"!

May we never forget the service of all the brave men and women who have fought for our freedom! 


Thursday, May 21, 2020


Yesterday was a mulligan... or as some would ask... may we please have a do-over?

When our boys were on the summer swim team, we had to volunteer to do a job at each swim meet.
Often, that job was being a "timer". It was very important that we pay close attention, and start our stopwatches at the precise moment that the beep went off, the light flashed, and the swimmers dove into the pool. Each lane had 2 timers, but there was another volunteer off to the side that was a "backup timer".  So if there was a distraction, and we missed the start, we could yell out:  BACKUP! And the "back-up timer"  would rush right over to the lane, and save us! Sean often teased that he wished that life was like that... wouldn't it be great if  we could call for "back-up" everytime we messed up... and we would be relieved of any responsibility for our mess-ups?

The isolation is catching up to everyone I know! We are all anxious to move on to a more normal life... whatever that will look like! But after yesterday... this was the mediation for today from All Will Be Well... written by St. Julian of Norwich's (1342-1423). Perfect! A God-shot!

For we consider some actions good and others wrong, but God does not look upon them so: for God has made all things, so all that is done is in some way God's doing. 
For it is easy to see that the best actions are well done, but the smallest actions also share this character, because all things have been accomplished according to the nature and plan ordered by God from the beginning.
Is there something from the past that you felt at one time to be a failure? Can you see now that God was working toward a good end? Take it to God in prayer. Ask God to comfort you in the rightness of what happened.
Be relaxed in this meditation; don't push too hard {Maureen} Let God comfort you!
Hang tough y'all... God's got this... one day at a time!


Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Back to the Beach!

Melda and I met in Laguna Beach at 6:00 am, last week, when the moon was full, and still visible, and there was a minus low tide. Laguna Beach has finally opened up... from 6am to 10am for fresh air and exercise! We'll take it! It was heavenly to be back at the beach... breathing the salt air, listening to the waves, sinking our toes into the sand, getting splashed by the water... and, of course, looking for sea glass! We are our mother's daughters!

I have a book called: A Beachcomber's Odyssey: Treasures from a Collected Past. The author, S. Deacon Ritterbush wrote this in the introduction:
Like sandcastles that face a coming high tide, my bucketful {pocketful, in our case} of treasures reminds me that life is brief and that everything is temporary and on loan. Each day is best begun by counting blessings and remembering that, while this time is mine, I should embrace and hold it dear no matter what challenges lay ahead. 
The two early mornings spent at Fisherman's Cove in Laguna Beach last week, gifted us with 2 rare PINK pieces of sea glass! We have never found this color before! I wonder if this was due to the fact that no one had been there for all these weeks! Such an awesome blessing!

I made them into earrings!

With a heart full of gratitude!

Monday, May 18, 2020


First of all, Tim hacked into our blog last Friday night! I did not see his post until Sunday morning!

Sean and I have a neighbor, Kim Beaney, that is a social butterfly! Plus, she loves to sing, and is active in Saddleback Church's Music Ministry. She has a band and performs at venues in Orange County, but she has not been able to have visitors come to her home right now, nor perform in public. So "Miss Kimmy" organized a boat parade on Friday evenings, here in Lake Forest,  at 6:00 pm and afterwards...  "music at the Beaney's dock" from 7 - 8 pm.

Kim has been doing this for about a month, and people love it!  They all gather on their boats, or patios, or the greenbelts to "socialize safely" and sing along. Reminiscent of the people in Italy singing on their balconies! People need to be singing!

She asked Sean and me to sing with her.... doing our own playlist. She has all the sound system set up, {our own mic away from her} and a "point home" {meaning there is plenty of space on the water around her patio, for boats to hover 'round}. Sean and I practiced all week! Poor Tim had to listen to us practice! We are definitely "old school"! But then, so are all our neighbors!
I found out that some of my old guitar books that have been in boxes in the garage... (Joni Mitchell, Carole King, John Denver etc.) could actually be worth some money... Sean was curious, and did a bit of research...some could be worth a few hundred dollars! Man, does that ever make us feel old!

My Bible group finished the book, A Guide to Surrender {but truthfully are we ever done with surrender? ... I guess you can never shout out...NAILED IT! on that one} But we selected another book called All Will Be Well. It contains the writings of St. Julian of Norwich. I honestly had never heard of her before, but synchronicity at work... her name popped up twice last week in 2 unrelated ways:
I found out by going to Mass online, that she shares the same feast day as Our Lady of Fatima (May 13).  Then on Saturday, I received an email from Phil Volker (from Phil's Camino) and his post on  his blog, caminoheads.com, contained this quote from St. Julian of Norwich:
The love of God creates in us such a oneing that when it is truly seen, no person can separate themselves from another person

That sums up how I feel about all of you!

Sending "oneing" loves,

Friday, May 15, 2020

(One Necessary & Friendly Hack) - Proud of you Mom & Your Lead Guitarist

Neat watching you and Dad continue loving music together, bringing joy to yourselves and others!

Love, Tim 

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Be Still

It's been awfully noisy out there... much as we try to avoid the news and stay above the fray.

Marty reminded us all yesterday on his facebook post to breathe

This came from Melda:

Psalm 46:10:  Be Still and Know that I am God was my breath prayer today. 
Then as my breathing slowed: 
Be still and know that I am
Be still and know
Be still
Be. Be. Be

Birthday Shout-Out: May 14:🎂 Alex (Mark's wife: Joelene's son)

Hope you are all finding some time to "Be still" and stay hopeful! 
This too shall pass!


Tuesday, May 12, 2020


Welcome Talia Kathryn Murphy! Born May 11, 2020 in Chicago!
Congratulations to Stephen, Terris and Ellie, and to the proud grandparents: Dan and Jan

Congratulations to Marty and Monita... they received the happy news that they will be great-grandparents... Jenna and AJ (Mark's daughter and son-in-law)!

Such happiness and blessings during this time!

Love to all! 

Sunday, May 10, 2020

HMD Part 2: Three Generations

Call it Mother's Day, 1925

Marie (Schueller) Murphy
Mary (Gerding) Schueller
Mary (Weigert) Gerding

From Luke's ancestry.com

Reenie and I come from a long line of strong women.

Top 'o the Mornin'!


Friday, May 8, 2020

Happy Mother's Day

Happy 16th Birthday to Nick (Chris and John's grandson and Erin's son) 

The last 2 posts received some great family comments!

Grandma Aggie was so inspirational and the epitome of  love for all of us!
Dan found this in his box of family treasures. It was written in Grandma Aggie's own handwriting:
When you come to the Red Sea
Place in life,
And in spite of whatever you do
There is no way out, there is no way back,
There is no other way but through.
Chris Beckwith received nice comments on his 32 years of sobriety from Monita, Marcia and Molly!
Cindy and Cheryl loved the tribute for their Mom, Michelle... as did Molly!

Molly was wondering who Michelle was with in the "Stalker Picture"!
Way back in the day... (70's - 80's)  Bob Barker was the Host of "The Price is Right" daytime television show.  Michelle and Cheryl were both selected as contestants on that show in separate appearances. Cheryl won a car... (that she named Bob); Michelle won a few dates with Bob! :)

Marcia shared this about her Mom, Monita:
I am not the writer in our family, but I will honor my mom as she deserves! I don’t know how the Marty Murphy family would have survived without our beautiful, thoughtful, conscience, tenacious, loving, hardworking mother. I certainly don’t know what I would have done without her. She is always there whenever I have needed her. Mom never steps in our business until she is asked, but boy when you do ask, she goes for it! She is an amazing mom, nana and friend. There is a reason the family knows her as Saint Monita. Happy Mother's Day mom! I love you, Marcia 
What a beauty!

Married 57 years!
Marty and Monita in their dating days

Chris shared this sweet picture with these words: "This says it all!"

4 generations: Mom, Chris, Erin, Maya

I am so grateful for our family, and the love we share for one another! Thinking of all us Moms in this difficult time; as well as remembering those we miss, but are in our hearts forever!

Stay safe...Onward!
{Be back on Tuesday, the 12th}

Michelle asked if we could upload this photo of Mom to go along with her comment! (see below)

As Dan said on the "Easter Girl" post... Mom always got the final parting shot! Cute picture of her... thanks, Michelle!

Love You More!

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Love You More

A Very Special Birthday Shout-out: May 7 🎂
Chris Beckwith is celebrating his 32nd AA Birthday today! {A great picture of Chris below!} Normally, he would be receiving that recognition with a birthday cake at an AA meeting...{and Michelle would be with him, if she was there} but since large AA meetings are suspended at the moment, we want to send our congratulations and love to Chris. WAY TO GO! 

Michelle sent this message to be shared on our family blog:
To my wonderful family:
Very unusual and sad and challenging Mother’s Day for me. My kids (3) and grandkids (6)  and great grandkids (7) are scattered from state to state and I actually haven’t seen any of them since Christmas! Just writing this makes me tear up!
But Happy Mother’s Day to my two daughters and to all of you on the Murphy’s Blog!   
Cheryl and Cindy sent these pictures:
Danny, Cheryl & Catalina (granddaughter)
High School Graduation
Santa Barbara
granddaughter: Melia & husband, Travis
with great-granddaughter: Everly (Nov.Dec 19)
Here are some other Michelle's .. 
Hold onto your hats, it's Party time!

Mother Michelle

Grandmother Michelle

PB Michelle
Stalker Michelle

Butte Michelle
With Joe
Where Paddy lay
Dancing Michelle
At Myrtle's 100th
Married Michelle

Photo-Bomber Michelle

Line-Up Michelle

Ready-To-Take-On-The-World Michelle

We LYM, Michelle

Reenie & Dan