Mission Statement

All I really really want my love to do is to bring out the best in me and in you too.
- All I Want by Joni Mitchell

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Lead Kindly Light

Good morning!
I don't know about you, but my "Murphy brain" has been struggling with everything that is being thrown our way! Trying to figure out why, how, and get some direction and control over my way forward right now. Ha! That codependency struggle of trying to fix stuff! It is a family trait!
But when  I got still this morning... some beautiful Spirit resources were presented: 
This was the reading for today:
Trust Me and don't be afraid, for I am your Strength and Song. Do not let fear dissipate your energy. Instead invest your energy in trusting Me and singing My Song. The battle for control of your mind is fierce, and years of worry have made you vulnerable to the enemy.
And I found this most beautiful song: Lead Kindly Light. It is a hymn written in 1833 by John Henry Newman as a poem titled "the Pillar and the Cloud".

Audrey Assad (a contemporary Christian musician) released her version of Lead Kindly Light
Just to give you a taste...here are the lyrics for the first verse:
Lead kindly Light, amidst the grey and gloom
The night is long and I am far from home
Here in the dark, I do not ask to see
The path ahead, one step enough for me
Lead on, lead on, kindly Light
Listening to this song was like healing salve for me.
If you need a beautiful song to help you get centered... I invite you to click on the link above!



  1. Good morning Reenie,
    I love the song. It’s sets the mood for the day with a peaceful feeling. Thanks!
    Have a great day with God’s light leading us all!!

  2. Reenie, a beautiful song to begin our day! The blog was lovely and I could feel the presence and lift for my day. We can only keep one thought in our head at a time, this is a good way to dismiss the gloom and the doom!

  3. Dear Readers,
    I am lucky to have been on almost-daily jitsy's (a kind of "zoom") with sister Maureen these last few months. (Has it been that long?) Lucky because I often hear things you don't. Here's todays:
    "My hairdresser asked me yesterday 'What have you learned from all this?' I thought, well, I hope I find myself more in a state of ?gratitude, you know? And surrender."
    Her hair looks great. But it always does. xxxooo
    Maureen then went on about how grateful she is to have introduced "two brilliant women: Maria, the music therapist, and Kaisa, my acupuncturist." (Remember Maria who plays the bowls? See blog post 4/29.) She also introduced Maria to "Brian, the Head of Fine Arts for the District, to be a therapy resource for kids with trauma."
    Wow, little sister! Action speaks louder than words ;-) You're awesome! Way to do God's Work. We may not see things eye to eye all the time, but you're sure a lot of fun -- and totally inspiring.
    Finally, from today's jitsy: "It can be a struggle for us Murphy's to get back to higher ground, you know?" Maureen laughed. "A daily choice, you know? Hahaha! Sometimes hourly! Hahahahaha!!"
    Be Grateful in your Struggle to Higher Ground Surrender. Okay, I'll try. Onward! Mwah!

  4. Gosh, Dan... thanks for the nice words!
    I texted you a funny meme that Sean found on facebook, and you asked if I would put it on the blog... I wrote back that I had to preserve my reputation after your sweet comment... You wrote back: "What reputation?" I hope no one is offended! Here it is;
    "I just blocked someone for posting, "Chocolate milk sucks". I am not f*****ing around today. :)
