Mission Statement

All I really really want my love to do is to bring out the best in me and in you too.
- All I Want by Joni Mitchell

Monday, June 8, 2020

A Clean Heart

A Wonderful Gift!

On Saturday morning, Frank Firmat gave a Zoom presentation for the participants of the St. Ignatius Prayer Process at our Church.  Frank typically meets with the participants twice a year; the first as an introduction of this spiritual study, and at the end, to pose this question: "Where do you go from here?... the next steps". That is how my CLC (Christian Life Community) Group was formed... as a way of continuing our spiritual journey with faith-based love and support of others!

The "nugget" came right at the start!  Frank began {as he always does} with a mindfulness exercise to quiet down. As he brought us out of prayer, he asked us to notice the changed feelings inside.
He spoke of the trying times that we are in, and all of  the anxiety or "disquiet" it may have caused in our hearts and souls. He encouraged us to take time each day to be still. If we get into this practice, we make a space in our heart to "protect the quality of our presence". We need to cleanse our hearts of anger, fear, bitterness and unforgiveness. An anxious heart is not open or peaceful. A PEACEFUL HEART IS ABLE TO DO GOD'S WORK!

What Does God's Work Look Like in Your Life?

On April 22, I shared Frank's story of his wife Laura's post-it note: CHOOSE.  He spoke again about the impact of that single word. The last part of her explanation jumped out at me once more:

It’s a reminder to live a life that is not reactive and burdened by the cynicism, conflict, and strife life may send my way. Instead, I want whatever good there is in me to affect my world."

This artist made a difference in La Mesa!

Monita posted pictures on Facebook of the artwork that is popping up in La Mesa, covering the plywood boards and destruction from the protests last weekend.

Love you all,


  1. A friend of mine said to me yesterday, every day when he wakes up it’s like the movie “Groundhogs Day”. And this reminds him to say my prayers and be a good boy. I thought that was cute. πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

  2. Lovely blog today Reenie πŸ™πŸΌ❤️
