Mission Statement

All I really really want my love to do is to bring out the best in me and in you too.
- All I Want by Joni Mitchell

Friday, June 12, 2020

Heartfelt Prayers

Flag Day: June 14
When our quarantining started back in March, I had hoped this family blog would keep us connected in our hearts and thoughts. This quote from Julian of Norwich resonates:
The love of God creates in us such a oneing that when it is truly seen, no person can separate themselves from another person.
Prayer request:
This message came in an email
"From:  John Joyce
I hope I am in the loop for this family bit of news:

I am Imelda (Kelly) Joyce's husband.  Imelda fell on Memorial Day and broke both pelvic bones and a hip bone.  She is in an assisted living and re-habilitation hospital in Chico Ca.  Because of the Covid 19 virus she is quarantined, and no one can enter the building in which she is located.  We have managed to visit her through a back patio door and phone hook-up.  I expect this will go on into the month of July, and then more re-hab after that time.  The name of the place is California Park and Rehabilitation Center.  Her cell phone # is 530 966 4495.  Imelda's spirit is high, and she will probably have that place shaped up before she is out of it.  You would make her day if you could give her a call and chat for a few minutes."

I googled the place; if you want to send a card directly to the center where Melda Joyce is currently staying:
California Park and Rehabilitation Center
2850 Sierra Sunrise Terrace
Chico CA 95928

Her home address:
927 Sunset Terrace
Willows CA 95988-2036

On May 4, (What's in a Name) we had a tribute to the four Imeldas in our family.
Imelda Joyce is our Dad's first cousin. She and Walt are Uncle Walt's children.
(He was the brother of Grandma Aggie & Rene)
Imelda became a chiropractor after raising her own family. She has the family gift of healing and clairvoyance. Quite an amazing relative!

Birthday Shout-out: June 14 🎂
Steve Hauser shares a birthday with our country's flag day!
Happy Birthday, Steve! Looking forward to the time when we can re-visit you to celebrate in person!




  1. Thank you Reenie. Mailing a card today to Imelda... So sorry to hear about her accident, that’s a tough one, but so is she! ❤️
    Happy birthday Cuz Steve... and I hardly ever get to say this but you are way older than I am!!! 🤣 🎂 🎉💙

  2. Happy birthday Steve! Happy healing Imelda!
