Mission Statement

All I really really want my love to do is to bring out the best in me and in you too.
- All I Want by Joni Mitchell

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

The Hills Are Alive

(click link under Maria von Trapp to watch her teach Julie Andrews to yodel)

Prayers please for my big brother Marty

They have rescheduled his surgery while waiting for his heart rate to go down while he's been waiting for them to reschedule his surgery. Meanwhile, he is entertaining old friends in the cardiac area with songs like I'll Take You Home Again Kathleen.

Birthday Shout Out to Maureen a.k.a. Reenie Renden

We have much to be thankful for in these tumultuous times, and Reenie is high on my list. Here are some random memories.

Walt's funeral: Reenie is so family

Crooning with the Seaner

"Last school Halloween as Fraulein Maria & my teammates as the Von Trapps."

Growing up on Porter Hill Rd.

Currently keeping Reenie (in)sane

A shining college student living with her mom at the beach

Teacher of All Time

I join the thousands of your children in thanking you, Reenie, for all you have taught us over the years (like ♭♮♭ The sun'll come up tomorrow ♭♮♭). We're blessed to be part of your spiritual, story-filled Camino!


PS: Luke volunteered at a NYC poll station yesterday. He wrote down some thoughts about his experience on Facebook, like "Everyone wore a mask; nearly everyone wore it correctly."... A warming story about a Holocaust survivor who chatted him up. ... And, as always, some history. See at this link: NYC poll site

Monday, November 2, 2020

Your Choice Matters!

This is one of my favorite Bible verses.... simple and to the point!


Good Morning!

One of the readings for our Bible study this week is: Exodus 17: 8-13. I loved this visual of support: In a battle between the warriors of Amalek and the Israelites, Moses stood at the top of the hill with the rod of God in his hand. "As long as Moses held up the rod in his hand, Israel was winning; but whenever he rested his arms at his side, the soldiers of Amalek were winning. Moses' arms finally became too tired to hold up the rod any longer; so Aaron and Hur rolled a stone for him to sit on, and they stood on each side holding up his hands until sunset."

A teacher friend of mine had lots of wise sayings! Whenever someone would get overwhelmed at work, Debbie would say to them:  "You can hold a glass of water for about 15-20 minutes, but you cannot hold it forever... eventually you have to choose to either put it down or ask someone else for help to take it for a while."

Our family support has been a huge blessing during this pandemic! It continues to be a daily choice to stay positive and supportive of one another, and our communities. Thanks for holding up my arms!

 Lots to pray for right now: within our own families, our nation and and for the whole world!

Birthday Shout Out: November 2 πŸŽ‚

Today is Brian's birthday! I cannot believe that he is 37! Our birthdays are forever intertwined... Brian arrived a little earlier that his due date; I entered the hospital when I was 29 years old and came out as a 30 year old! Brian came over last night to celebrate with us! He continues to inspire us with his resiliency, sensitivity, kindness, and humor. Brian has made me a better person in so many ways, and still continues to teach me the gifts of love, humility, grace, patience, surrender, and always, always... hope! If you want to text him for his birthday... his number is: (949) 356-8435. He truly cherishes family!

Prayers Please!

Marty is having heart surgery today for a blocked carotid artery. As soon as we have an update from Monita, we will post it. 

Annie  is recovering from another shoulder surgery that she had last week, and would appreciate prayers!

Praise Report

John and Marcie Bryant welcomed another grand-daughter last week; their son, Sean had another baby girl!

A huge shout-out to the brave firefighters that battled the Orange County Silverado Fire last week. It came within 2- 3 miles from our home... I spent the night at Nancy's last Monday (thank you Nancy and Fred for your gracious hospitality!)... it was too close for my comfort! But all is well here now!

Melda and I have been accepted into the Irvine Fine Arts Holiday Faire, being held this Saturday, November 7th at the Great Park in Irvine. We have had so much fun creating new things on her summer porch... we were quite a sight... 2 summer sisters playing with our sea glass! (sometimes 3, and even 4, as Michelle and Chris joined us from time to time).



Stay safe everyone!



Saturday, October 10, 2020

Moments Like This

Chicago - Night into Day

Here's a little fun for your Sunday morning: a 4 minute video by Stephen set to the Moments Like This from Will Van De Crommert's "collection of hopeful, cinematic tracks." Looks great on a large monitor. Click this link.
Take care, y'all!

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Happy Fall Y'all

Shout Out from Proud Grandparents:

Chris sent these pictures and message to share with the family. (Nello John Marciel is Chris and John's grandson; Erin's son.)

Nello John Marciel took his oath on Tuesday, Sept. 22, and is now a proud member of the US Army. He reports to basic training in Fort Jackson, South Carolina, on October 13th. He won't have a phone after that, so if you would like to send him a text prior to that, his number is: 619-548-0316. I'll get an address for him when he reports to basic training.  

We are so proud of you, Nello John, and thank you for your decision to serve our country! You have our thoughts and prayers in your journey, and we know that Erin will always be your North Star guiding you from above! 

We encourage all family members to call or text Nello John in these next few weeks! LYM πŸ’—

Birthday Shout Out: September 30: πŸŽ‚ John Murphy turns 30!

Dan and Jan shared some photos and thoughts:

It's hard to believe our Little Libertarian with the big heart is thirty already. John has had so many varied interests over the years, every day we wonder what is in store next.
We love you.

Forever young:
Although John doesn't look very different now than with Mom when he graduated from HS, here is a recent picture with Mary Kay (Jan's Mom).  

Scott and Alex Kindgren: married on September 12

Other family birthdays in September:
Lynne Sullivan 9/22 (Rest in Peace)
Annie Webb 9/24

Coming up in October:
Nancy Kindgren 10/3
Michelle Murphy Zive Martin 10/3
Chris Taub 10/4
Melda Arick 10/4
Camryn Taub 10/4 (Jason's daughter; Chris and John's granddaughter) 
Gary Schueller (Butch)... on the Schueller side 10/4
Mary Goudge Evans...on the Schueller side 10/8
John Taub 10/9

Hmmm... I once heard that October 4th is the most popular birthday in the US... if our family is any indication, that could be true!

There may be more out there... let us know!

Reenie and Dan

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Birthday Bro

Guess who's birthday is today! Give you three hints.

He's in there somewhere
Yes, let's beauty together

Guess yet? No? Okay, another hint.

Too many to choose from? Last chance...

I'm not going to reveal your actual age, Sean -- don't want to inflame our relationship (haha) -- but enjoy a birth year without a zero! Right behind you, brother.

Love you man

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Shared Momu/Granny Images



Cindy shared this image:

"So many memories and I remember mamU and grandpa Jim had those orange slice candies🧑"

Marcia wrote:
"Happy birthday Granny! I'm lucky because I live in a place where I think of her every day. I still drive by her house, and walk on her beach. I love you Granny! Marcia"

Kelly shared this sweet picture:

"I thought I was going to be able to comment this image in the blog but I couldn’t figure it out. Happy Heavenly Birthday to your Mom and my beloved Granny!

My laptop is about 2 weeks old and I have nothing saved on it. Somehow my iCloud pulled up this image of Granny holding Jack. I can’t stop looking at it! It’s hard to believe she would’ve been 104 - I can still smell her patchouli scent and see her cute smile :). 

Sending hugs! xx



Luke shared this memory:

"I remember seeing her at the Cloisters and playing rummy cube with her."

Such sweet shared memories! It is not too late to send in a memory or an image!

Reenie and Dan

PS: Any birthdays and/ or anniversaries or milestones for September?  Let us know!

Calling All Prayer Warriors!


Good Morning Family,

Brian needs prayers!
As you all know, Brian has struggled throughout his life with many challenges. He has had one of the toughest lives of anyone I know! But I have always admired Brian's resiliency in his struggles... he has such a kind and sensitive heart, and does not ask for much out of life.  

If you follow him on Facebook or Instagram, you may have seen his posts yesterday and today. He was arrested for a DUI and his posts are definitely a cry for help. 

As his parents, we have been on this faith journey of surrender for a very long time, and believe that Brian is God's child first. We are praying that he will come to his sobriety and trust in His higher power (like so many family members have), and that will come to guide him on his path to wellness. 

I am not always sure of how to pray...except to know deeply that somehow God's got this! His will...not  mine. 
I am going to end with one of my favorite scripture passages:
Romans: 8: 24-28
We are saved by trusting. And trusting means looking forward to getting something we don't have yet have -- for a man who already has something doesn't need to hope and trust that he will get it. But if we must keep trusting God for something that hasn't happened yet, it teaches us to wait patiently and confidently.
And in the same way-- by our faith-- the Holy Spirit helps us with our daily problems and in our praying. For we don't even know what we should pray for, nor how to pray as we should, but the Holy Spirit prays for us with such feeling that it cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows, of course, what the Spirit is saying as he pleads for us in  harmony with God's own will. And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into His plans. 


Saturday, August 29, 2020

The Original Marie by the Sea

The last time I visited Mom before she passed away, I found her sitting in her chair in her room at the Cloisters. After greeting me, she pointed to the sliding glass door, and asked, "What are all those people doing there?" There was no one there, but Mom seemed a bit agitated; I tried my best to reassure her by answering: "It's okay Mom, they are just waiting for you, and are here to help you." The staff at the Cloisters were so kind, and recognized the signs of someone in transition. They came in, and assisted Mom, moving her safely from her chair into her bed. Later that evening, joined by a hospice nurse, Chris and I watched Mom point to the ceiling...sometimes laughing, sometimes frowning, (as if listening intently) and talking incoherently. Chris said: "She's talking to people!"  I felt we were truly witnessing a "holy moment"!  Mom was being met by the "Communion of Saints"... relatives and angels that were there to help her pass over into her new life! The TV was on low, and at one point a voice on the TV asked... "Are you ready to go?" Mom looked over and said "Sure!" The hospice nurse started to laugh, and asked us... "Did she just answer... Sure?"  Yep! Mom was ready!  

Throughout this quarantine time, Michelle sorted through all her photos. She uncovered so many personal and family memories, and wanted to share some pictures of Mom on her birthday!

Birthday Shout-Out: August 31: MOMπŸ’“

The men in her life
Mom met Dad during her high school years in Los Angeles. 

(Love this picture of Dad. Reenie: "He had an in-grown toenail so he's wearing a bedroom slipper in this picture.")
With Doc at Pier 39, 1974
(I edited myself out. Mom was lucky.)

As a young woman
Mom was born in Ferdinand Idaho on August 31, 1916. Mom went to beauty school (somewhere -- anyone know where? Please reply with answer), probably around this time:
(Jan: "The style of the day was to pluck off your own eyebrows then paint on new ones.")

The sisters-in-law: Melda, Joan, Mom and Dahl
(I edited Michelle out. Not having had sisters of her own, Mom adopted sisters from Dad. Jan's situation too.)
Mom's friend
 (Michelle: "Cheryl and I love the one that looks exactly like her having her little treat.")

Later in life
(That was the trip up north when Mom lit up one of Michelle's cigarettes in the kitchen. Mom: "I just wanted to taste it again.")

 (Mom grew old well.)

If you feel inclined, please share your thoughts by Replying below if you can. If you have images that make you think of Mom, please share those too so all can enjoy. We will post next with whatever we get. Here's mine -- do you see Mom in this image?

Here's mine... Reenie

Reenie and Dan

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Love is the best medicine!



A wise physician once said:
"The best medicine for humans is LOVE!"
Someone asked "What if it doesn't work?"
The physician smiled and said:
"Increase the dose!"

I loved this! We sure do need love now more than ever!

It is a little over halfway through August...

Anniversary Shout-out! August 19thπŸ’—
Dan and Jan Murphy  are celebrating their 41st anniversary today!

Such a beautiful couple inside and out!

Thinking of Mom and how she always ended a visit with LYM, but also with a cross on our foreheads and a "God Bless You"! It was our "hedge of protection" as she sent us on our way!

Sending you ALL that same lovely blessing!



Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Dog Days and Memories


Cody, 1993-2011

Some family dogs passed away last weekend. And while others struggle, new ones arrive to enrich our lives. Please share the names of those you'd like us all to remember, because stories and memories are prayers too.

All day long I watch the birds on our rock. They drink and bathe and feed and dance. Some fly into our window and get stunned, some for a long time. Why do some birds do that while others do not? I tend to objectify birds, so it comes as a shock to watch how God makes each bird to be separate, different, unique. It makes my separateness feel more one, less separate, more alive.

The Dog Days of Summer are here, Fall right around the corner. I first saw Fall this year in a photo of a Northwest Leaf by Penny, my great-great-niece. Penny's post encourages me -- Life goes on, with new Opportunities, new Lives, new Dogs, right around the corner. Who will they be? What will they do? Are you curious? I'm learning patience while Love unfolds.

Be well, Family!


Thursday, July 16, 2020

We Are One Rebellion!

Good Morning,

This title and picture for today's post comes from Michelle Zive (Dr Z). She mentioned on our last posting on 7/8 that she was working on the We Are One Rebellion. She sent another email yesterday:
I have launched the WE ARE ONE Rebellion on Facebook.  If you go onto my personal Michelle Murphy Zive account, you can see a welcome video.  I’m asking people, our family, to join the We Are One group. This could be an opportunity for the family to provide images, words, quotes, videos, etc. about what makes them happy.
Here is the FB link to We Are One.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/1891333710999197
I invite  all of  you to join her WE ARE ONE group! I did... it is thought provoking and up-lifting!

July 15: Belated Birthday Shout-Out πŸŽ‚: Jack Martin (Michelle and David's son; Marty and Monita's only grandson!)

Here is Michelle's tribute to Jack:
Jack Alexander Somoza Martin burst into our lives on July 15, 2003.  I will spare you the gory details. That evening of the 14th, there was a full moon.  Perhaps the full moon had another idea.  It’s said that the moon influences childbirth, called the lunar effect.  Late into the night of the 14th, Jack and I were ready to meet but the doctor held off because she had a set of twins she had to deliver.  This is all to say that Jack wanted to be born on the 14th; instead he was born on July 15th.  This birth foreshadowed his life. Jack is a strong, opinionated, smart, sensitive, funny, ironic, and cerebral 17-year-old.  At the time, I thought I could “put baby in the corner.”  Heck, no.  Jack has taught me grace, patience, and to loosen the reign of control.  Happy birthday to my brilliant Jack.

Family Up-Dates:
This email was sent from Luke Murphy and Claudia, his fiance:
We hope you are staying safe and sane! 2020 is turning out to be quite the year, isn’t it? Because of the ongoing pandemic and grim outlook, we have made the difficult yet necessary decision to postpone our wedding, again. You know what they say: third time’s a charm!
Their new wedding date is set for April 10, 2021. We send our love to you both!

Maggie Bryant is thankfully recovering well from the Coronavirus!

Speaking of 3rd time's the charm: Melda and I were supposed to be in a boutique in La Jolla called the Secret Garden boutique in May. It was moved to August 8th. The Historical Society of La Jolla had worked tirelessly to comply with all safeguards and health guidelines... it was cancelled.
So now they trying to put together a virtual boutique for sometime in August... with a link to vendor's websites... UH OH! Melda and I do have an etsy website that we have ignored...since we sell better in person... talk about a steep learning curve for the two of us! We are pivoting and scrambling now to get our inventory up on to ETSY! Wish us luck!

Love and prayers to all of you and your loved ones... and our country! Hope you are staying well in mind, body and spirit! Truly challenging times!


Wednesday, July 8, 2020

We are Connected

the best thing to hold onto in life is each other #zulily #ad *love
Happy Belated Anniversary: July 3
Fred and Nancy Kindgren have been married 38 years! Congratulations!

Happy Belated Birthday: July 4 

Marcia sent this photo of the car in front of her last week as she was a passenger in the car driving up to see Danielle!

Dan's post yesterday was the perfect opportunity to honor 2 amazing women in our family today!

Molly Zive has opened her new office in San Diego! She is a licensed psychotherapist: 
We have mentioned her on the blog, but she has even more exciting news! She is now doing podcasts and sent me this email:

I wanted to reach out and let you know I started a podcast :) My first episode was released 7/3/20 https://anchor.fm/therapyiscool It is called "Therapy is cool." You can find it on that website or apple podcasts! Please subscribe and rate if you have a moment to listen! 
Here is the show's description: Explore why therapy can be cool with psychotherapist Molly Zive and various guests. The mission of this podcast is to normalize feelings and create a positive narrative around engaging in a healing process. Learn about managing emotions from individuals on the show; whether it is through therapy, experimentation and health/wellness activities. The contents of this podcast are for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended to substitute for treatment.
I hope you enjoy! Love you
Her Mom, Michelle, (Dr. Z) Zive sent an email with a request to fill out a short survey:
Hello Warriors, 
I hope this email finds you at the very least coping and at most thriving during these times. I’m reaching out to you AGAIN because I/we need you.  My beautiful, painful, active, awesome, magical, pedestrian, and unique journey has led me to the WE ARE ONE rebellion.  I will not say much about the movement because this is where I need your help.  With your insight and wisdom, I’m confident we can impact the world in a positive way. 
Please provide your answers and suggestions to the 12-item survey: WE ARE ONE needs you! 
If you participate by Friday (7/10), I will randomly choose three of you to receive a small gift of appreciation.
 In gratitude,
Michelle (Dr. Z)
Prayer Request :
Maggie Bryant, (John's daughter) is the director of rehabilitation (sports therapist) for the LA Clippers. She has contracted Covid, and is currently at her home recuperating; she lives in Los Angeles.

Updates: The power of Prayers!
Melda and John Joyce are both home and healing! Imelda sounded great on the phone and they both have their children coming to help them. Melda is using the walker now, and has a physical therapist who comes to her home to work with her. She is grateful to be home and for all the family prayers.

Megan Beckwith is back at work now after being sick with the Coronavirus.
