Mission Statement

All I really really want my love to do is to bring out the best in me and in you too.
- All I Want by Joni Mitchell

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

We are Connected

the best thing to hold onto in life is each other #zulily #ad *love
Happy Belated Anniversary: July 3
Fred and Nancy Kindgren have been married 38 years! Congratulations!

Happy Belated Birthday: July 4 

Marcia sent this photo of the car in front of her last week as she was a passenger in the car driving up to see Danielle!

Dan's post yesterday was the perfect opportunity to honor 2 amazing women in our family today!

Molly Zive has opened her new office in San Diego! She is a licensed psychotherapist: 
We have mentioned her on the blog, but she has even more exciting news! She is now doing podcasts and sent me this email:

I wanted to reach out and let you know I started a podcast :) My first episode was released 7/3/20 https://anchor.fm/therapyiscool It is called "Therapy is cool." You can find it on that website or apple podcasts! Please subscribe and rate if you have a moment to listen! 
Here is the show's description: Explore why therapy can be cool with psychotherapist Molly Zive and various guests. The mission of this podcast is to normalize feelings and create a positive narrative around engaging in a healing process. Learn about managing emotions from individuals on the show; whether it is through therapy, experimentation and health/wellness activities. The contents of this podcast are for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended to substitute for treatment.
I hope you enjoy! Love you
Her Mom, Michelle, (Dr. Z) Zive sent an email with a request to fill out a short survey:
Hello Warriors, 
I hope this email finds you at the very least coping and at most thriving during these times. I’m reaching out to you AGAIN because I/we need you.  My beautiful, painful, active, awesome, magical, pedestrian, and unique journey has led me to the WE ARE ONE rebellion.  I will not say much about the movement because this is where I need your help.  With your insight and wisdom, I’m confident we can impact the world in a positive way. 
Please provide your answers and suggestions to the 12-item survey: WE ARE ONE needs you! 
If you participate by Friday (7/10), I will randomly choose three of you to receive a small gift of appreciation.
 In gratitude,
Michelle (Dr. Z)
Prayer Request :
Maggie Bryant, (John's daughter) is the director of rehabilitation (sports therapist) for the LA Clippers. She has contracted Covid, and is currently at her home recuperating; she lives in Los Angeles.

Updates: The power of Prayers!
Melda and John Joyce are both home and healing! Imelda sounded great on the phone and they both have their children coming to help them. Melda is using the walker now, and has a physical therapist who comes to her home to work with her. She is grateful to be home and for all the family prayers.

Megan Beckwith is back at work now after being sick with the Coronavirus.



  1. God bless you one and all! Great blog today. I responded to Michelle and her request for filling out the questionnaire. Different answers today during quarantine than I would normally have but I did my best.
    I hope everybody is successful in their endeavors, glad people are improving and good health to all!
    LYM ❤️💙

  2. I'm sending love and light to those who need it right now (all of us) especially the ones who contracted covid! Take good care of yourselves.

  3. I am grateful for the healing of all of our relatives and friends. God is good!! He does answer our prayers! I’m praying for all those passing through on the blog!!
    Michelle, I enjoyed your questionnaire!!
    Molly, I’m goint to listen to you your post next!
    L y’all M

  4. My dear family, thank you for all of your support. However, first I want to give a shout out to Reenie and Dan for starting this blog. Without it, I/we wouldn't have the connections we do. To those who completed the survey, thank you. I am forever grateful and as Harbhajan Singh Yogi said, "Gratitude is the open door to abundance.” If this is true (and I think it is), I am/we are surrounded by abundance. ONWARD!

    1. I love your ending quote! Will hold on to that one... it might even go up on a post-it on the bathroom mirror! LOL! And I agree... the best part of having this family blog has been connecting our lives and our hearts as a family! Aunt Joan always told the story that Wayne would say how special our family was. She was always a bit puzzled and ask “aren’t all families special... I don’t get what what you mean!” Wayne would remind us all never to take our love for granted. And through sharing this story...Joan reminded us of the importance of family & hold on to tightly to all of them in your heart! I love you all more! ❤️
