Mission Statement

All I really really want my love to do is to bring out the best in me and in you too.
- All I Want by Joni Mitchell

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

New Month

Souvenir from Ellie's 3-yr-old bday party

First an update

I ran into Sean Webb in Chicago last week when we visited Stephen and Terris, Ellie and Talia. Neither of us knew what to do, so we elbow-bumped. He invited me into his home where I met -- and hugged (!) -- his youngest, Conner, a new H.S. freshman trading stocks on an impressive gaming computer. I haven't seen Sean since he was a tyke in Michigan when I went to school in Illinois in the 70's and visited Annie and Mike for Thanksgiving. I have fond memories of the family and their hospitality and generosity (thanks for the sweater, Annie!). Now Mike has a college graduate of his own who moved back home in these COVID times. So it's a family of six living in a beautiful home built in the 1880's in a picturesque neighborhood not far from Wrigley. I'm looking forward to future visits.

Now the prayer requests for friends

Michael Flumian is in Boston getting radiation for a prostate flare-up.

Jim and Katie's Mahon's new grandson, Finn, had to be rushed to the hospital at 7 days old for who-knows-what. His mom tested positive so can't visit him in the hospital. He's off IV and doing better, but could still use your kind thoughts.

Eric Deverill's mom (age 87) just discovered a large lump in her pelvis. He's taking her to the oncologist today.


Eric shared this Ted Talk of Lessons from the Longest Study on Happiness. Click here, hope you enjoy.

Virtual hugs and real affection from Nor Cal.



  1. Dan,
    My thoughts and prayers are with your friends... Mike Flumian is your high school buddy, Eric Deverill... you've known since grade school, and Jim and Katie Mahon are college friends.
    The TED talk you posted, Lessons from the longest Study on Happiness, seques perfectly into the quality and importance of lifelong relationships!
    It is only 12 minutes long, but such a fascinating research study. The speaker is the 4th presenter in a 75 year long study of a group of men, from their teens in the 1930's to those that are still living and now are in their 80's.
    Bottom line: Good relationships with family, friends and communities keep us happier and healthier!
    Sending you connected love,

  2. Thoughts and prayers from me too!

  3. Amazing Ted Talk piece, Dan. I have attached the tag onto a family message. Thank God for St. Monita and my wonderful family. You have made me healthy (I think).

    Prayers for all of you and those whom Maureen asked us to remember. Hope it works. So far, so good.

    Much love.

    1. I'm glad you liked it, Marty. Eric sent it to me because of the long relationship that he and I recently resurrected when his father passed. Love back atcha.

  4. Dan, this blog today was wonderful except for the news about people that are suffering from medical challenges. I am praying for all of them! πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ
    That link you put up on happiness is is the absolute best… It’s an easy fix! Communicate, love and like your family and friends, delete grudges and stay close! And if you’re in loneliness, get out of it somehow someway for your own health and happiness!!!
    Thanks Danny boy, this was great today! πŸ™πŸΌπŸ₯°πŸ€—πŸ₯°πŸ™πŸΌ

    1. Thanks for your prayers, Michelle. I'm sure Robert Waldinger, a psychiatrist and professor at Harvard Medical School, would be pleased with your takeaways. LYM.

  5. Little Finn got off the respirator today, thanks in part, I can't help but believe, from all your positive wishes. Mwah!
