Mission Statement

All I really really want my love to do is to bring out the best in me and in you too.
- All I Want by Joni Mitchell

Thursday, July 16, 2020

We Are One Rebellion!

Good Morning,

This title and picture for today's post comes from Michelle Zive (Dr Z). She mentioned on our last posting on 7/8 that she was working on the We Are One Rebellion. She sent another email yesterday:
I have launched the WE ARE ONE Rebellion on Facebook.  If you go onto my personal Michelle Murphy Zive account, you can see a welcome video.  I’m asking people, our family, to join the We Are One group. This could be an opportunity for the family to provide images, words, quotes, videos, etc. about what makes them happy.
Here is the FB link to We Are One.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/1891333710999197
I invite  all of  you to join her WE ARE ONE group! I did... it is thought provoking and up-lifting!

July 15: Belated Birthday Shout-Out 🎂: Jack Martin (Michelle and David's son; Marty and Monita's only grandson!)

Here is Michelle's tribute to Jack:
Jack Alexander Somoza Martin burst into our lives on July 15, 2003.  I will spare you the gory details. That evening of the 14th, there was a full moon.  Perhaps the full moon had another idea.  It’s said that the moon influences childbirth, called the lunar effect.  Late into the night of the 14th, Jack and I were ready to meet but the doctor held off because she had a set of twins she had to deliver.  This is all to say that Jack wanted to be born on the 14th; instead he was born on July 15th.  This birth foreshadowed his life. Jack is a strong, opinionated, smart, sensitive, funny, ironic, and cerebral 17-year-old.  At the time, I thought I could “put baby in the corner.”  Heck, no.  Jack has taught me grace, patience, and to loosen the reign of control.  Happy birthday to my brilliant Jack.

Family Up-Dates:
This email was sent from Luke Murphy and Claudia, his fiance:
We hope you are staying safe and sane! 2020 is turning out to be quite the year, isn’t it? Because of the ongoing pandemic and grim outlook, we have made the difficult yet necessary decision to postpone our wedding, again. You know what they say: third time’s a charm!
Their new wedding date is set for April 10, 2021. We send our love to you both!

Maggie Bryant is thankfully recovering well from the Coronavirus!

Speaking of 3rd time's the charm: Melda and I were supposed to be in a boutique in La Jolla called the Secret Garden boutique in May. It was moved to August 8th. The Historical Society of La Jolla had worked tirelessly to comply with all safeguards and health guidelines... it was cancelled.
So now they trying to put together a virtual boutique for sometime in August... with a link to vendor's websites... UH OH! Melda and I do have an etsy website that we have ignored...since we sell better in person... talk about a steep learning curve for the two of us! We are pivoting and scrambling now to get our inventory up on to ETSY! Wish us luck!

Love and prayers to all of you and your loved ones... and our country! Hope you are staying well in mind, body and spirit! Truly challenging times!



  1. Happy belated birthday, Jack!! I hope you year is full of blessings from above!! 🎂🎉🙏❤️
    Michelle Z, I loved your post and am looking forward to being involved in your journey!!

  2. Good prayers and luck to all mentioned in today's post: Dr. Z and group members, Luke & Claudia trying to make the Roman Catholic thing work, Big Jack and upcoming school, and the Seashell Sisters, Maureen & Melda, bringing art to the world. Hugs from Nor Cal.

  3. Happy Birthday to Jack, a spirited loving TALL Teenager! 😁💙
    Good luck to the new wedding plans for Luke and Claudia in April! be there with bells on, same
    planned outfit hopefully and hopefully not masks! 👰 🎩 🤮🎊
    I joined Michelle‘s We Are One and it’s a wealth of information and guidance! ❤️
    Well folks, I want to tell you I’ve been watching Reenie and Melda’s grueling computer challenges, entering all their new product on the website! I marvel at their learning curve! ❤️❤️
    Love to you all, Michelle

    1. Thanks, Michelle! We are learning more & more each day... progress not perfection... not a bad way to spend an isolated summer’s day! ONWARD!

  4. Reenie,once again, thanks for keeping us all connected and adding another link to connectivity, Michelle's new group.
    As the universe restricts our connections, we create our own.
    One of the few bright spots this pandemic has created is it has shown how innovative humans are and to what extents we can go to make our worlds a more palliative place to exist in

  5. Well said! We need our love connections more and more these days to help us stay on high ground! ❤️
