Mission Statement

All I really really want my love to do is to bring out the best in me and in you too.
- All I Want by Joni Mitchell

Tuesday, March 31, 2020



Hi All,

Welcome to our Camino!
The Camino can be looked at in so many ways...For me it has come to be "the journey within".

As I mentioned in yesterday's post, we are  "in the middle" of this pandemic. 

In her book, Everyday Camino With Annie, Annie writes about this part of the Camino:

Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity! 
I say, let your affairs be as two or three, and not a hundred or a thousand.
-- Henry David Thoreau

Sometimes there is nothing left to do but release. It may seem agonizing but it gets easier with time. We can be blinded by the pain in the moment, but as we lead awakened lives we are able to see in retrospect how much better it gets when we open our hearts and let the Spirit run our lives. 

You are walking the Meseta, or tabletop, the middle of your Camino.
What you are left with is... yourself.

Yes the Meseta is a chance to encounter the existential angst that is a part of the human condition. 
Our society does not prepare us for those times when we don't get what we want immediately....
We need to navigate through those times when we are angry, or sad, fearful or lonely!
If you don't know how to... 

Well, welcome to your master class: the Meseta!

Annie goes on to give some practical advice and plans. From her master class:
  • Take time to release any ideas of how things "should" be, opening your heart to what is
  • Take on something you have been meaning to do... something un-glamorous... like taxes, opening the boxes in the back of your closet that you have never unpacked. Get it out of the way so that you can cross it off your list. If it brings up uncomfortable feelings, even better! Let go of how you think it will be --- you have put it off for a reason--- just get it done! Then you will be free to open your heart wide, and live your life for a greater purpose!
  • Psalm: 46:10: Be still and know that I am God... start taking time each day to be still. Stillness will bring you sustenance as surely as food and water.
  • Let me seek, then, the gift of silence, and poverty, and solitude where everything I touch is turned into a prayer: where the sky is my prayer. the birds are my prayer, the wind in the trees is my prayer, for God is all in all.
  • Blessings abound, always surrounding us, always wrapping their loving arms around us if we take the time to notice. Wherever you are, all of the wonder of nature, the beauty, the prayer is at hand... make this a day of body, mind and spirit delights! 
Sending you all silent loves, wherever you are in this journey!



  1. My friend Steve needs prayers for his three children-in-law who got furloughed. Pray that they'll get rehired after this "hurricane" goes away.
    Thanks, fam!

  2. Hi all,Test comment

  3. Hi Melda. Welcome to the comment box! :-)
    Lil' Bro

  4. FINALLY!!! After 4 tries, I got Dan's help and here I am! Thanks, Dan!!

    I want to thank you for starting and sharing your thoughts and inspiration for us on how to navigate through this new life of quarantine. We really do need God, who brings us peace during this time of uncertainty, fear and confinement. Keep posting and bringing us food for growth through Covid-19.
    Love you more,
    LY all M,

  5. Hey, Melda,
    So glad that Dan was able to help you get on!
    Thanks, too for recommending Psalm 91... it is such a beautiful and calming reading. I went right to after you told me that your neighbor told you to look that one up!

  6. I'm grateful for my family and that you have all decided to stay connected during this strange and difficult time.

  7. Maureen told me a story about Gramma Aggie this morning that I'd better write down before I forget. Gramma Aggie told her that after walking to church during the day she'd often put her feet up by stretching out her legs off to the side on the pew. "I knew it was impolite, but I figured it was God's house and he'd want me to be comfortable." What a treasure.

  8. This is a test to see if Maureen is notified
