Mission Statement

All I really really want my love to do is to bring out the best in me and in you too.
- All I Want by Joni Mitchell

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Caution: Workers Above

This is a work in progress... baby steps at trying to connect family during this stressful time: siblings, nieces, nephews, cousins... you get the idea!

Dan is helping me... so grateful!

This is being done in an effort to find a place where we all might want to check in with one another: a place to post our family up-dates, prayer requests, inspirational thoughts, send positive messages...share pictures, videos

Mom always teased that I was a "walking newspaper" (a compliment or a fault... you make the call)... but I love you all, and was finding that I was spending these last few days... sending text messages and checking Facebook and emails in an effort to share jokes and inspirational tidbits, or just hear how you are doing... that felt too scattered and hit and miss!

Marty and Michelle Martin Zive have Facebook postings that are wonderful... but not everybody has Facebook or are friends with them!

I am stretching my technology skills... but if not now... when?

Thanks to Dan for helping me get this out!

I will be sending out an email with the link... let's see how far we can go... connecting all our wonderful family!

As our Mom would say: "LOVE YOU MORE"!



  1. All you, Little Sister!
    Danny Boy

  2. Great work, Reenie! I’ll definitely be keeping up here and posting. Thanks for all your hard work and thoughtful devotion! Much love back at ya.

  3. Hey Reenie and Dan..I'm checking in. Present and accounted for. "Walking newspaper" 💯 Your Mom nailed that one. So cute! This is a great idea especially in these uncertain times. It's really nice to stay connected. Just dont ask me to face time. Lol. Thanks so much for setting this up for all of us. Stay healthy and safe. LYM 💓

  4. P.s. Shawn Patterson..I'm technically challenged!!!

    1. I think I just figured out that you are “unknown”! I have learned more about technology in this past week, now that we are finding new ways to communicate & connect! 👍

  5. Hi Joe and Shawn and unknown
    So good to hear from you!
    And to Shawn & unknown... I totally get it...When I asked Dan when we were working together (virtually) if he felt like he was teaching a college course again... he replied... "not really"... he is so patient in helping set this whole thing up!
    So... other family members... I challenge you to join in!
