Mission Statement

All I really really want my love to do is to bring out the best in me and in you too.
- All I Want by Joni Mitchell

Monday, March 30, 2020


Hi All,

Well... yesterday really sucked!
We are all feeling a wave of sadness and isolation... and grief for what we perceived to be normal.
As we navigate through this "new normal", it is more important than ever to keep connected to family and dear friends!

Yesterday I introduced you to Phil Volker...
I have taken part of his  beautiful posting from this morning on his Caminoheads blog for today's message:

We are obviously transitioning from the beginning of this epidemic to the middle phase.  We now stare in full scale realization of the immensity of this Coronavirus!
The bad news is that we now see this pandemic in it’s full blown maturity.
This is the beginning of the middle.
The good news is there is always OPPORTUNITY for every one of us. 
We must get to the point of seeing that, all of us. This is a NOW situation. We must accept the RESPONSIBILITY for doing our individual parts whatever that looks like. We individually need to GET IN GEAR. This is the PROGRAM. This is what the middle looks like, the time when we do the HEAVY LIFTING that needs doing. We as individuals have the POWER to INFLUENCE the outcome. WELCOME to the Middle.

I found this photo in a packet from a St. Ignatius workshop that I attended.
The message is clear... Fear can make us feel so locked up!

Anxiety tends to run strongly in our Murphy genes... but the leader of the workshop kept stressing that we cannot hold fear and love in our bodies at the same time!

This was my morning message in my prayer time from a book called Jesus Calling.
What a God-shot!
"Stop trying to work things out before their times have come. Accept the limitations of living one day at a time. When something comes to your attention, ask me whether or not it is a part of today's agenda. If it is isn't release it into My care and go about today's  duties. When you follow this practice, there will be a beautiful simplicity about your life: a time for everything, and everything in its time."

Prayer requests:

From us: Brian's EMT contracted job at Miramar Naval Air Station ended abruptly on last Friday. He did not choose to go on to serve as an EMT in Northern California or NYC. Please keep him in your prayers, as we continue to surrender him to God's care.

From Michelle:  Her dear friend, Donna Finnell has been ill for a few weeks, and the doctors now suspect cancer. The hospitals are highly impacted and she is going in for tests.
Donna lives in the Seattle area, and has hosted Michelle whenever she has gone back to the Northwest over the past 2 years. Many of you know Donna... she was with Michelle every step of the way in her cancer journey!

I am holding you all so dearly in my heart and praying that everyone is safe and healthy. If you need anything, please send in a prayer through the comment section!

Love you more,


  1. We are praying for all of you,our
    wonderful family, and special prayers for Brian and Donna, Michelle's friend.
    Hopefully some good will come out from all of this craziness!!!
    Thank you Reenie, for those encouraging words and prayers. AND thank you to both you and Dan for creating this blog
    XOXO Nanc

  2. Thank you Reenie for posting my worry about my friend Donna. And I will be praying for Brian, Has to be very difficult for him.
    πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ Michelle
