Mission Statement

All I really really want my love to do is to bring out the best in me and in you too.
- All I Want by Joni Mitchell

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Happy Fall Y'all

Shout Out from Proud Grandparents:

Chris sent these pictures and message to share with the family. (Nello John Marciel is Chris and John's grandson; Erin's son.)

Nello John Marciel took his oath on Tuesday, Sept. 22, and is now a proud member of the US Army. He reports to basic training in Fort Jackson, South Carolina, on October 13th. He won't have a phone after that, so if you would like to send him a text prior to that, his number is: 619-548-0316. I'll get an address for him when he reports to basic training.  

We are so proud of you, Nello John, and thank you for your decision to serve our country! You have our thoughts and prayers in your journey, and we know that Erin will always be your North Star guiding you from above! 

We encourage all family members to call or text Nello John in these next few weeks! LYM ๐Ÿ’—

Birthday Shout Out: September 30: ๐ŸŽ‚ John Murphy turns 30!

Dan and Jan shared some photos and thoughts:

It's hard to believe our Little Libertarian with the big heart is thirty already. John has had so many varied interests over the years, every day we wonder what is in store next.
We love you.

Forever young:
Although John doesn't look very different now than with Mom when he graduated from HS, here is a recent picture with Mary Kay (Jan's Mom).  

Scott and Alex Kindgren: married on September 12

Other family birthdays in September:
Lynne Sullivan 9/22 (Rest in Peace)
Annie Webb 9/24

Coming up in October:
Nancy Kindgren 10/3
Michelle Murphy Zive Martin 10/3
Chris Taub 10/4
Melda Arick 10/4
Camryn Taub 10/4 (Jason's daughter; Chris and John's granddaughter) 
Gary Schueller (Butch)... on the Schueller side 10/4
Mary Goudge Evans...on the Schueller side 10/8
John Taub 10/9

Hmmm... I once heard that October 4th is the most popular birthday in the US... if our family is any indication, that could be true!

There may be more out there... let us know!

Reenie and Dan

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Birthday Bro

Guess who's birthday is today! Give you three hints.

He's in there somewhere
Yes, let's beauty together

Guess yet? No? Okay, another hint.

Too many to choose from? Last chance...

I'm not going to reveal your actual age, Sean -- don't want to inflame our relationship (haha) -- but enjoy a birth year without a zero! Right behind you, brother.

Love you man

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Shared Momu/Granny Images



Cindy shared this image:

"So many memories and I remember mamU and grandpa Jim had those orange slice candies๐Ÿงก"

Marcia wrote:
"Happy birthday Granny! I'm lucky because I live in a place where I think of her every day. I still drive by her house, and walk on her beach. I love you Granny! Marcia"

Kelly shared this sweet picture:

"I thought I was going to be able to comment this image in the blog but I couldn’t figure it out. Happy Heavenly Birthday to your Mom and my beloved Granny!

My laptop is about 2 weeks old and I have nothing saved on it. Somehow my iCloud pulled up this image of Granny holding Jack. I can’t stop looking at it! It’s hard to believe she would’ve been 104 - I can still smell her patchouli scent and see her cute smile :). 

Sending hugs! xx



Luke shared this memory:

"I remember seeing her at the Cloisters and playing rummy cube with her."

Such sweet shared memories! It is not too late to send in a memory or an image!

Reenie and Dan

PS: Any birthdays and/ or anniversaries or milestones for September?  Let us know!

Calling All Prayer Warriors!


Good Morning Family,

Brian needs prayers!
As you all know, Brian has struggled throughout his life with many challenges. He has had one of the toughest lives of anyone I know! But I have always admired Brian's resiliency in his struggles... he has such a kind and sensitive heart, and does not ask for much out of life.  

If you follow him on Facebook or Instagram, you may have seen his posts yesterday and today. He was arrested for a DUI and his posts are definitely a cry for help. 

As his parents, we have been on this faith journey of surrender for a very long time, and believe that Brian is God's child first. We are praying that he will come to his sobriety and trust in His higher power (like so many family members have), and that will come to guide him on his path to wellness. 

I am not always sure of how to pray...except to know deeply that somehow God's got this! His will...not  mine. 
I am going to end with one of my favorite scripture passages:
Romans: 8: 24-28
We are saved by trusting. And trusting means looking forward to getting something we don't have yet have -- for a man who already has something doesn't need to hope and trust that he will get it. But if we must keep trusting God for something that hasn't happened yet, it teaches us to wait patiently and confidently.
And in the same way-- by our faith-- the Holy Spirit helps us with our daily problems and in our praying. For we don't even know what we should pray for, nor how to pray as we should, but the Holy Spirit prays for us with such feeling that it cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows, of course, what the Spirit is saying as he pleads for us in  harmony with God's own will. And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into His plans. 
