Mission Statement

All I really really want my love to do is to bring out the best in me and in you too.
- All I Want by Joni Mitchell

Thursday, July 16, 2020

We Are One Rebellion!

Good Morning,

This title and picture for today's post comes from Michelle Zive (Dr Z). She mentioned on our last posting on 7/8 that she was working on the We Are One Rebellion. She sent another email yesterday:
I have launched the WE ARE ONE Rebellion on Facebook.  If you go onto my personal Michelle Murphy Zive account, you can see a welcome video.  I’m asking people, our family, to join the We Are One group. This could be an opportunity for the family to provide images, words, quotes, videos, etc. about what makes them happy.
Here is the FB link to We Are One.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/1891333710999197
I invite  all of  you to join her WE ARE ONE group! I did... it is thought provoking and up-lifting!

July 15: Belated Birthday Shout-Out 🎂: Jack Martin (Michelle and David's son; Marty and Monita's only grandson!)

Here is Michelle's tribute to Jack:
Jack Alexander Somoza Martin burst into our lives on July 15, 2003.  I will spare you the gory details. That evening of the 14th, there was a full moon.  Perhaps the full moon had another idea.  It’s said that the moon influences childbirth, called the lunar effect.  Late into the night of the 14th, Jack and I were ready to meet but the doctor held off because she had a set of twins she had to deliver.  This is all to say that Jack wanted to be born on the 14th; instead he was born on July 15th.  This birth foreshadowed his life. Jack is a strong, opinionated, smart, sensitive, funny, ironic, and cerebral 17-year-old.  At the time, I thought I could “put baby in the corner.”  Heck, no.  Jack has taught me grace, patience, and to loosen the reign of control.  Happy birthday to my brilliant Jack.

Family Up-Dates:
This email was sent from Luke Murphy and Claudia, his fiance:
We hope you are staying safe and sane! 2020 is turning out to be quite the year, isn’t it? Because of the ongoing pandemic and grim outlook, we have made the difficult yet necessary decision to postpone our wedding, again. You know what they say: third time’s a charm!
Their new wedding date is set for April 10, 2021. We send our love to you both!

Maggie Bryant is thankfully recovering well from the Coronavirus!

Speaking of 3rd time's the charm: Melda and I were supposed to be in a boutique in La Jolla called the Secret Garden boutique in May. It was moved to August 8th. The Historical Society of La Jolla had worked tirelessly to comply with all safeguards and health guidelines... it was cancelled.
So now they trying to put together a virtual boutique for sometime in August... with a link to vendor's websites... UH OH! Melda and I do have an etsy website that we have ignored...since we sell better in person... talk about a steep learning curve for the two of us! We are pivoting and scrambling now to get our inventory up on to ETSY! Wish us luck!

Love and prayers to all of you and your loved ones... and our country! Hope you are staying well in mind, body and spirit! Truly challenging times!


Wednesday, July 8, 2020

We are Connected

the best thing to hold onto in life is each other #zulily #ad *love
Happy Belated Anniversary: July 3
Fred and Nancy Kindgren have been married 38 years! Congratulations!

Happy Belated Birthday: July 4 

Marcia sent this photo of the car in front of her last week as she was a passenger in the car driving up to see Danielle!

Dan's post yesterday was the perfect opportunity to honor 2 amazing women in our family today!

Molly Zive has opened her new office in San Diego! She is a licensed psychotherapist: 
We have mentioned her on the blog, but she has even more exciting news! She is now doing podcasts and sent me this email:

I wanted to reach out and let you know I started a podcast :) My first episode was released 7/3/20 https://anchor.fm/therapyiscool It is called "Therapy is cool." You can find it on that website or apple podcasts! Please subscribe and rate if you have a moment to listen! 
Here is the show's description: Explore why therapy can be cool with psychotherapist Molly Zive and various guests. The mission of this podcast is to normalize feelings and create a positive narrative around engaging in a healing process. Learn about managing emotions from individuals on the show; whether it is through therapy, experimentation and health/wellness activities. The contents of this podcast are for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended to substitute for treatment.
I hope you enjoy! Love you
Her Mom, Michelle, (Dr. Z) Zive sent an email with a request to fill out a short survey:
Hello Warriors, 
I hope this email finds you at the very least coping and at most thriving during these times. I’m reaching out to you AGAIN because I/we need you.  My beautiful, painful, active, awesome, magical, pedestrian, and unique journey has led me to the WE ARE ONE rebellion.  I will not say much about the movement because this is where I need your help.  With your insight and wisdom, I’m confident we can impact the world in a positive way. 
Please provide your answers and suggestions to the 12-item survey: WE ARE ONE needs you! 
If you participate by Friday (7/10), I will randomly choose three of you to receive a small gift of appreciation.
 In gratitude,
Michelle (Dr. Z)
Prayer Request :
Maggie Bryant, (John's daughter) is the director of rehabilitation (sports therapist) for the LA Clippers. She has contracted Covid, and is currently at her home recuperating; she lives in Los Angeles.

Updates: The power of Prayers!
Melda and John Joyce are both home and healing! Imelda sounded great on the phone and they both have their children coming to help them. Melda is using the walker now, and has a physical therapist who comes to her home to work with her. She is grateful to be home and for all the family prayers.

Megan Beckwith is back at work now after being sick with the Coronavirus.


New Month

Souvenir from Ellie's 3-yr-old bday party

First an update

I ran into Sean Webb in Chicago last week when we visited Stephen and Terris, Ellie and Talia. Neither of us knew what to do, so we elbow-bumped. He invited me into his home where I met -- and hugged (!) -- his youngest, Conner, a new H.S. freshman trading stocks on an impressive gaming computer. I haven't seen Sean since he was a tyke in Michigan when I went to school in Illinois in the 70's and visited Annie and Mike for Thanksgiving. I have fond memories of the family and their hospitality and generosity (thanks for the sweater, Annie!). Now Mike has a college graduate of his own who moved back home in these COVID times. So it's a family of six living in a beautiful home built in the 1880's in a picturesque neighborhood not far from Wrigley. I'm looking forward to future visits.

Now the prayer requests for friends

Michael Flumian is in Boston getting radiation for a prostate flare-up.

Jim and Katie's Mahon's new grandson, Finn, had to be rushed to the hospital at 7 days old for who-knows-what. His mom tested positive so can't visit him in the hospital. He's off IV and doing better, but could still use your kind thoughts.

Eric Deverill's mom (age 87) just discovered a large lump in her pelvis. He's taking her to the oncologist today.


Eric shared this Ted Talk of Lessons from the Longest Study on Happiness. Click here, hope you enjoy.

Virtual hugs and real affection from Nor Cal.
