Mission Statement

All I really really want my love to do is to bring out the best in me and in you too.
- All I Want by Joni Mitchell

Saturday, August 29, 2020

The Original Marie by the Sea

The last time I visited Mom before she passed away, I found her sitting in her chair in her room at the Cloisters. After greeting me, she pointed to the sliding glass door, and asked, "What are all those people doing there?" There was no one there, but Mom seemed a bit agitated; I tried my best to reassure her by answering: "It's okay Mom, they are just waiting for you, and are here to help you." The staff at the Cloisters were so kind, and recognized the signs of someone in transition. They came in, and assisted Mom, moving her safely from her chair into her bed. Later that evening, joined by a hospice nurse, Chris and I watched Mom point to the ceiling...sometimes laughing, sometimes frowning, (as if listening intently) and talking incoherently. Chris said: "She's talking to people!"  I felt we were truly witnessing a "holy moment"!  Mom was being met by the "Communion of Saints"... relatives and angels that were there to help her pass over into her new life! The TV was on low, and at one point a voice on the TV asked... "Are you ready to go?" Mom looked over and said "Sure!" The hospice nurse started to laugh, and asked us... "Did she just answer... Sure?"  Yep! Mom was ready!  

Throughout this quarantine time, Michelle sorted through all her photos. She uncovered so many personal and family memories, and wanted to share some pictures of Mom on her birthday!

Birthday Shout-Out: August 31: MOM๐Ÿ’“

The men in her life
Mom met Dad during her high school years in Los Angeles. 

(Love this picture of Dad. Reenie: "He had an in-grown toenail so he's wearing a bedroom slipper in this picture.")
With Doc at Pier 39, 1974
(I edited myself out. Mom was lucky.)

As a young woman
Mom was born in Ferdinand Idaho on August 31, 1916. Mom went to beauty school (somewhere -- anyone know where? Please reply with answer), probably around this time:
(Jan: "The style of the day was to pluck off your own eyebrows then paint on new ones.")

The sisters-in-law: Melda, Joan, Mom and Dahl
(I edited Michelle out. Not having had sisters of her own, Mom adopted sisters from Dad. Jan's situation too.)
Mom's friend
 (Michelle: "Cheryl and I love the one that looks exactly like her having her little treat.")

Later in life
(That was the trip up north when Mom lit up one of Michelle's cigarettes in the kitchen. Mom: "I just wanted to taste it again.")

 (Mom grew old well.)

If you feel inclined, please share your thoughts by Replying below if you can. If you have images that make you think of Mom, please share those too so all can enjoy. We will post next with whatever we get. Here's mine -- do you see Mom in this image?

Here's mine... Reenie

Reenie and Dan

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Love is the best medicine!



A wise physician once said:
"The best medicine for humans is LOVE!"
Someone asked "What if it doesn't work?"
The physician smiled and said:
"Increase the dose!"

I loved this! We sure do need love now more than ever!

It is a little over halfway through August...

Anniversary Shout-out! August 19th๐Ÿ’—
Dan and Jan Murphy  are celebrating their 41st anniversary today!

Such a beautiful couple inside and out!

Thinking of Mom and how she always ended a visit with LYM, but also with a cross on our foreheads and a "God Bless You"! It was our "hedge of protection" as she sent us on our way!

Sending you ALL that same lovely blessing!



Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Dog Days and Memories


Cody, 1993-2011

Some family dogs passed away last weekend. And while others struggle, new ones arrive to enrich our lives. Please share the names of those you'd like us all to remember, because stories and memories are prayers too.

All day long I watch the birds on our rock. They drink and bathe and feed and dance. Some fly into our window and get stunned, some for a long time. Why do some birds do that while others do not? I tend to objectify birds, so it comes as a shock to watch how God makes each bird to be separate, different, unique. It makes my separateness feel more one, less separate, more alive.

The Dog Days of Summer are here, Fall right around the corner. I first saw Fall this year in a photo of a Northwest Leaf by Penny, my great-great-niece. Penny's post encourages me -- Life goes on, with new Opportunities, new Lives, new Dogs, right around the corner. Who will they be? What will they do? Are you curious? I'm learning patience while Love unfolds.

Be well, Family!
