Molly Zive, granddaughter of Marty and Monita, got a shoutout Monday from The Financial Times:
Zive says she feels fortunate to have started her business during the pandemic. She even created a podcast called Therapy is Cool. “My business lit something up inside of me I have never felt in my career. I felt stimulated, challenged and effective,” she said. Zive’s decision to start a business alongside her existing work is a classic example of a side hustle, a term that has made its way into pop culture.
The article highlights how Molly and others use the internet to turn the traditional 9-5 job on its ear:
Molly is having lots of fun with her new business -- see her Instagram posts here, or go directly to the link in her bio here.Squarespace, which develops personal websites, paid Dolly Parton to rewrite the song “9 to 5” for a Super Bowl advert based on the phenomenon. “Working five to nine, you’ve got passion and a vision,” she sang. “It's hustling time, a whole new way to make a living.”
I really Marvel at Molly Murphy/Zive’s business and ideas and therapy issues and much much more! she comes across as light and bright and happy and healthy and therefore can easily stimulate others! good for you Molly Moll, keep it up, people need you! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️